Sunday, June 29, 2008

Labels this Random

Everyone elses blog seem to be quite dead. Even the carte blanche club...
Guess ppl have better things to do =/ Oh yeah...
My Add Maths tuition teacher got married yesterday... haha had a few pics of him in my phone and i bloody hell cant find my card reader to transfer them over here. So oh well u all have to wait. Its quite funny cuz he is those innocent goodie goodie but yet still a cool and fun guy to hang out with! He looked happy and nervous. Well maybe cuz the way he was moving around and all seemed diff. =]

So yeah.
Today i went for my undang lesson. ~~~~~BORING!
Yeap... its drop dead boring and note this-BRING A MP3 IF YOU'RE GOIN FOR IT!
Forgot to bring mine so yeah, i was like sleepin thru half of the class. The teacher was a bit funny. Well its hard to tell by his looks what he is but when he speaks malay he has the malay accent but out of a sudden he started talkin mandarin to us and i was like .... WTF MATE~! Yeah... Label him as undefined and he laughs to his own joke and likes to make the sound of the hon... PON and he shouts it. SO yeah...

this is... MELEE
Dont think many of you out there knw bout them. But they rock! Built to last is one of their famousssss song! so check them out

Yeah so we all have been pokering these past few days. Win some Lose some. Well our aim now is to play until blind poker ! Its fun! so check us out. Most of the time we are at 5P hooohoooo!

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